– Largest Dry Bulk Carrier Cites SmartDrive Systems’ Outstanding Support, as well as Immediate and Sustained Results, As Key Factors Leading to Renewal Decision
– Fleet Reduced DOT-Recordable Preventable Accidents by 50 Percent Following SmartDrive System Adoption
– Bulkmatic’s DOT-Recordable Accident Rate Averages 40 Percent Below the National Average

SAN DIEGO, Nov. 2017 — SmartDrive Systems, a leader in video-based safety and transportation intelligence, today announced that Bulkmatic Transport, the largest dry bulk carrier in North America, has renewed its SmartDrive® video-based safety platform contract through 2020, citing tangible and significant safety improvements experienced as a result of adoption. Since initial implementation of the SmartDrive program in 2014, Bulkmatic has experienced a 50 percent reduction in the number of DOT-recordable accidents, and now maintains a DOT-recordable accident rate 40 percent below the national average. In addition, the SmartDrive program has exonerated Bulkmatic in more than 90 incidents.
“Based on both the immediate results we achieved following our initial rollout of the SmartDrive system, as well as the sustained safety improvements we’ve realized, the decision to continue our partnership was an easy one,” stated Terry McAdams, vice president of safety at Bulkmatic Transport. “The SmartDrive program has allowed us to proactively identify risky driving behavior, coach our drivers and eliminate associated risk. The results are indisputable; you need only look at the significant reduction in our accident rate.”
A privately owned company founded in the 1970s, Bulkmatic has nearly 500 vehicles and world-class operations in the United States and Mexico. The largest food companies and plastics manufacturers rely on Bulkmatic, making it the leading bulk logistics solution for bulk food grade, plastics and dry chemical products.
“When we initially installed the SmartDrive program, the numbers were eye-opening. Three years later, the numbers still remain reduced. That’s invaluable,” added McAdams. “Without a doubt, SmartDrive was the best decision we’ve made from a safety perspective. If we had to do it over again, we would. In fact, we did with this renewal!”
Bulkmatic’s enduring safety culture is widely recognized, and the company has received the National Tank Truck Carriers Safety Improvement Award for the past eight years. Several of the fleet’s customers emulate Bulkmatic’s safety policies and practices and have adopted similar procedures. The SmartDrive program reinforces Bulkmatic’s safety culture by helping to ensure drivers adhere to company rules and standards.
“Many companies have policies concerning speeding, following distance, etc., but unless you have something in place to actually assess how you’re doing, the effectiveness of the policy can’t easily be evaluated,” stated McAdams. “For example, we have a prohibition on texting or dialing when driving. Cameras allow us to monitor actual behavior and confirm the many behaviors our drivers are doing right, and work with them on correcting any behaviors that pose a risk.”
In addition to providing insight regarding whether an accident could have been prevented, the SmartDrive solution offers a number of added benefits to Bulkmatic. Relying on the SmartDrive dual-camera configuration, with both cab-facing and road-facing cameras, the fleet is able to exonerate its drivers in collisions when they are not at fault. The video-based safety program has also supported the company’s new business development efforts, by helping to ensure compliance with customers’ rigorous safety standards.
“We are delighted that Bulkmatic continues to see positive results, and is one of a growing number of fleets to experience the wide-ranging advantages of the SmartDrive program,” said Steve Mitgang, SmartDrive CEO. “We’re proud of our nearly 100 percent customer renewal rate: Bulkmatic joins many other fleets in citing SmartDrive’s outstanding service, as well as the results we deliver to fleets, as the basis for their decision to renew. The fleet’s leadership and its drivers are to be commended for recognizing the value and power of our video-based safety and analytics platform to drive operational improvement and business results.”

About SmartDrive Systems
SmartDrive Systems, the recipient of Frost & Sullivan’s Customer Value Leadership Award for Video Safety Solutions, gives fleets and drivers unprecedented driving performance insight and analysis, helping save fuel, expenses and lives. Its video analysis, predictive analytics and personalized performance program help fleets improve driving skills, lower operating costs and deliver significant ROI. With an easy-to-use managed service, fleets and drivers can access and self-manage driving performance anytime, anywhere. The company, which is ranked as one of the fastest growing companies by Deloitte’s Technology Fast 500™, has compiled the world’s largest storehouse of more than 200 million analyzed risky-driving events. SmartDrive Systems is based in San Diego, Calif., and employs over 650 people worldwide.
For more information on SmartDrive Systems, please visit www.smartdrive.net.